6 Quick Ways to Prepare Your Home for Winter
Yes, it’s probably still warm, dare I say hot, where you live. And we haven’t officially reached the cooler temperatures of fall yet. But here we are, writing what we feel is a timely blog post to share tips that will help you prepare your home or ranch for this winter.

Talk about getting an early jump!
At The Original Windmill Ceiling Fan Company, we’ve ditched the typical sales pitches in favor of relatable stories of American ingenuity, roll-up-your-sleeves hard work, and blissful life on the farm. Our library of blog posts is chock full of stories, practical tips, tricks, and life hacks — this post is no different!

While preparing your home for winter may not be top of mind in your household right now, it is a necessary chore. When started early enough, it can be spaced out over several months and won’t feel nearly as overwhelming as it would if you waited until the last minute.
Here are 6 ways to prepare your home for winter:
- Check your heater before you use it — The best way to ensure your heater is prepared for the changing seasons and head off potential issues such as broken or worn-out parts is to have it inspected before the weather turns cold and you really need to rely on it. Have everything inspected by a professional and change out your filters.
- Buy pipe wrappings now and drain your sprinklers — Pipe wrappings are an absolute necessity for keeping pipes from freezing no matter where you live in North Texas. Also, contact your local irrigation specialist to ensure your sprinkler system has been properly drained. The last thing you want is to wake up one morning in the dead of winter and see your sprinkler bursting at the seams.
- Flip your ceiling fan into “reverse mode” — Remember, your fan spins both ways. If you flip the switch so that the blades turn clockwise during winter, you’ll create an updraft that can help circulate the hot air in any room. This is a great way to utilize your windmill ceiling fan year-round — regardless of how hot or cold, it is outside.
- Chop enough wood now — Some say the ideal time to chop wood is during the winter for the following winter. But you still have a little bit of time left. Having a stockpile of timber handy in advance gives the wood a chance to dry out before you plan on burning it.
- Change out your summer/spring fabric decorations — Give your home a seasonal lift by changing your curtains, blankets, pillows, bedding, etc. You may even consider rethinking your existing furniture arrangement and creating a seasonal wreath for the front door.
- Remove warm clothes and decorations from storage — This is the fun part! Who doesn’t enjoy wrapping themselves up in that comfy blanket in front of the fire or wearing their favorite oversized sweatshirt? So have at it, folks! Now is the time to pull that seasonal stuff down from the attic or the top shelf in the closet. This way, you’re prepared for winter!

Call The Original Windmill Ceiling Fan Company Today!
At The Original Windmill Ceiling Fan Company, we pride ourselves on bringing authentic, historically-designed windmill ceiling fans to houses, barndominiums, and outdoor living spaces across America at a price worth every penny. We are the only windmill ceiling fan supplier that provides custom fans to match your personality, style — and the changing seasons.
- Quickly match the finish of your fan to the rest of your home
- A one-of-a-kind look and feel
- Not mass-produced
- Made in America
- Unrivaled strength and craftsmanship
Rather than sitting on a shelf in a factory warehouse, our fans are built to order, and our craftsmanship is catered to your every need. Call today at 972-834-5555 or visit www.windmillceilingfans.com. We are here to help you!

If you enjoyed this article, check out Why your next ceiling fan should be damp-rated and How to Use Your Windmill Ceiling Fan During the Winter