A Western Twist on Modern Home Design Trends -Embracing Cottage Chic

In the ever-evolving world of home interior design, a quietly emerging trend is adding a rustic charm to contemporary aesthetics. Welcome to the world of cottage chic—a style that blends the simplicity of rural life with vintage elegance, creating cozy, inviting, and rich with character. We’re proud to be at the forefront of this trend…

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Embrace Summer 2024 with Turquoise and MORE- Transform Your Home

Howdy, y’all! Summer is HERE front and center, and there’s no better time to refresh your home with vibrant and eye-catching Windmill Ceiling Fan designs! As a family-owned and operated business, we take pride in crafting unique, high-quality, fully American-made Windmill Ceiling Fans that stand the test of time! We’re all about bringing that rustic…

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What Makes a Windmill Ceiling Fan a No-Brainer?

Ceiling fans are essential to every home, providing a refreshing breeze during hot summer days and circulating warm air in the winter.  With so many ceiling fans on the market, choosing the right one can be daunting, and not all are created equal. This article will explore why Windmill Ceiling Fans are an excellent investment…

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Check out our Spring-Into-Summer Home Checklist!

Spring has always been that welcome in-between season where we get a break from frigid-cold Texas winters and can ease our way into the eventful summer months just around the bend. There are still a few evening chills, perfect for fireside hangouts on the farm, and there’s plenty of time to get your barndominium, ranch,…

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Is Your Patio Space Ready for Summer?

Temperature control is a crucial aspect to consider when designing and decorating outdoor spaces like patios, porches, and decks. In hot and humid climates, it can be difficult to enjoy outdoor living spaces without some cooling. While air conditioning units are popular, they can be expensive to install and operate. An alternative solution that has…

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Plan for Warmer Days Ahead With Our March Home Checklist

If you live in Texas as we do, you know winters out here can get pretty dicey. I mean, our “arctic blasts” don’t hold an icicle to places like Minnesota, Boston, or even North Dakota, but we have our fair share of power failures, impassable roads, school closures, and being stuck in your house for…

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