How Cooling a Barndominium Led to The Original Windmill Ceiling Fan Company
You’ve likely heard this story before: Kelly Eggers was looking for an efficient way to cool their brand-new barndominium when she spotted a farm-style windmill overlooking the property. The blades were stronger; there were more of them, and that represented farm living. The possibilities were endless if she could make a smaller, lightweight version.

So she and her husband did what any homeowner would do — they created one themselves. It was 66 inches and made from aluminum and steel. It was beautiful, and, boy, did it ever work!
But here’s the part you may not know already.
“So many people think we created that one windmill ceiling fan with the intention of creating a business, but that was never the intention,” Kelly said. “It was done because we had a personal need for it. It was designed for us — not for the market because we didn’t even know the market existed.
“Once we put it up and friends saw it, that’s when they said they wanted one of their own.”
So they created a website with a simple message about a new windmill ceiling fan. They listed out the specs of their fan and included pictures, adding that they’d be happy to make more if the interest was there.
Yes — everyone wanted a windmill ceiling fan!
Kelly said she was sitting on the beach in Cabo one weekend when she suddenly got hit with a barrage of orders.
“Within two weeks, we had 60 orders. People kept calling,” Kelly said. “So we came back from vacation and had to learn how to package and ship these fans. We didn’t have insurance or a bank account; I even remember sitting on that beach looking up invoice templates on Google. I took our first order on the beach.”
Clearly, the market existed after all!
It’s the historical design that makes windmill fans so efficient — and popular.
We call it a windmill fan because that’s what it is. They’re just like the farm-style, historic windmills overlooking hundreds of thousands of country homes across the country. The problem was that many of these larger homes are really hard to cool — especially in the summer. If Kelly could make an aluminum version lightweight enough to attach to any ceiling, it would surely drive the air down where the standard AC could cool it.

Kelly’s idea was perfect, and now, more and more people want one of their own.
They started with one version and today have ceiling fans that can be customized to any taste, style, preference, or need- all handcrafted right here in the USA.
Just think about all the benefits Windmill Ceiling Fans provide in comparison to mass-produced, store-bought fans:
- The unique angle of the blades naturally propels more air.
- They come in 14 to 18 blades for optimal air movement for rooms with high ceilings.
- Available in 46″, 52″, 60″, 66″, 72″, 84″ and 96″ diameter sizing. No other fan can match that.
- Constructed only of quality aluminum and steel.
- They can move air even at a slower rotation.
When trying to move air, no ceiling fan can match the strength, craftsmanship, and efficiency of a Windmill Ceiling Fan.

“I’m proud that we created a product that solves an issue for anyone who values the traditions of farm life as much as we do,” Kelly said. “We would love to help you come home to one of our unique, beautiful, functional windmill ceiling fans.”
Ready to order yours? Give us a call today at 972-834-5555 We LOVE to chat with all our customers!
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