How Does the Number of Blades Affect a Windmill Ceiling Fan?

We love the look on our customers’ faces when they see our Windmill Ceiling Fans for the first time. After all, most people are used to seeing the traditional fan with three to six blades. They buy them off a store shelf somewhere, install it, and think that this is the best they’re going to get — until they see our fans.
Big, beautiful, bold Windmill Ceiling Fans — complete with 18 blades! We know; it’s a lot to take in at once.

Now that you’re intrigued, you might be wondering how the number of blades affects a Windmill Ceiling Fan and, you guessed it, your overall comfort needs. Well, as we’re sure you’re aware, the best ceiling fans are the ones that can efficiently move air even at a low velocity. When a ceiling fan has just three to six blades, each blade has to work relatively hard to move an adequate amount of air around a room. Also, each blade needs to be set at a fairly steep pitch of 15 degrees or more, and the blades will probably need to spin exceptionally fast too. This puts a heavier load on the motor.
Of course, this method can work, but it isn’t the most efficient way to cool a room.
In contrast, our Windmill Ceiling Fans can move a lot of air with significantly less effort because of the 18 blades. This design can rotate much slower than the average ceiling fan, thereby putting a lighter load on the motor and saving money, too. Each blade carries its share of the workload and can disperse air more efficiently.
Greater wind chill vs. temperature change
Everyone thinks that ceiling fans lower air temperature. But this isn’t true. They create a kind of wind chill factor that makes the hot air in a room feel cooler. A ceiling fan with many blades, such as the Windmill Ceiling Fan, is more efficient at creating a wind-chill effect in a room than a more conventional ceiling fan.
When this fan is used in conjunction with air conditioning, it will raise your air conditioning thermostat and maintain an excellent cooling effect. This alone could save you several hundred dollars over a year.
Plus, our Windmill Ceiling Fans will be the cherry on top of your beautifully designed space!

Call The Original Windmill Ceiling Fan Company today.
Our fans are hand-cut, hand-assembled, and hand-packaged at our warehouse in Pilot Point, Texas. Each fan’s last nook and cranny, right down to the lightweight aluminum custom finish, is made to suit each order. On top of that, we deliver a one-of-a-kind look and feel and unrivaled strength and craftsmanship.
We are the original creators of the Windmill Ceiling Fan and the only Windmill Ceiling Fan supplier that provides custom fans to match your personality, style, and interiors! Our fans are crafted with care by our team members here in North Texas, and we’re incredibly proud to be American-made!
- Quickly match the finish of your fan to the rest of your home
- A one-of-a-kind look and feel
- Not mass-produced
- Made in America
- Unrivaled strength and craftsmanship
- Damp-rated
Ready to design your dream fan? Give us a call today at 972-834-5555; we LOVE to chat with all our customers or visit
If you enjoyed this article, check out Is Your Ceiling Fan Damp-Rated? If Not, it Needs to Be! And Do Windmill Ceiling Fans Really Work?