3 Ways to Save Energy this Summer
With increased air conditioning usage, it is time to start thinking now about additional ways to save energy this summer. We’d like to talk about three of those today: upgrading lighting, adding curtains, and getting a quality ceiling fan.
Read More4 Ways to Maintain and Clean Your Ceiling Fans
No amount of spinning will shake the dirt off of a ceiling fan. Check out the 4 tips to cleaning your ceiling fan.
Read MoreBarbara Van Cleve: A true American cowgirl and an amazing photographer to boot
There are plenty of photographers who spend their days capturing the awe-inspiring beauty and roll-up-your-sleeves hard work of ranch life. Whether it’s their panoramic images of a herd of cattle roaming in the distance, up-close-and-personal photos of majestic longhorns, or the first blush of a Texas sunrise, they’ve skillfully pointed their lens at rare moments…
Read MoreCowgirl spotlight: Amy Raymond
At the The Original Windmill Ceiling Fan Company, we honor craftsmen who have similar values as us, such as their commitment to one-of-a-kind American-made products, hand-crafted quality, and personal one-on-one communication with every customer. Not surprisingly, many of the leaders in this area are all the loud and proud cowgirls, whose enduring spirit and artistic…
Read MoreThe Irish Blonde Cocktail: A hidden gem that satisfies every palate
If you’ve never had Irish Whiskey before, or you have but only indulged in it during a wild round of late-night shots with friends at a local Texas bar, it would probably blow your mind to learn just how versatile this spirit is. Sure, most people prefer to sip it neat rather than shoot it,…
Read MorePopular Design Trends That Can Put Your Next Ceiling Fan in Another Stratosphere
Imagine spending all sorts of time carefully crafting the perfect look for your space. Maybe it’s your home sweet barndominium, living room, or your new outdoor patio. Either way, you spend hours researching popular design trends that match your style and even pick the brain of a nearby interior design expert for a few minutes.…
Read MoreLocal Heroes Series: Fallon Taylor
We are around cowboys and ranchers all the time. And trust me when I say they all have an inspiring story to tell about where they’ve been, what they’ve experienced, and where they want to go in life. Heck, Phillip and I could tell you plenty of tales from our days on the farm –…
Read MoreThree brands of vodka you should try right now
When you’re a rancher, rodeo cowboy, or a down-to-earth country farmer, the word vodka doesn’t just roll off the tongue quite as well as drinks like beer, whiskey, or even tequila. But there’s a time and place for everything, and every so often, it’s nice to sit down on the patio with a glass of…
Read MoreWhy You Should Indulge in a Glass of Cognac
When most people think of Cognac, they think of a bunch of older, stately gentlemen in suits sitting around a poker table with cigars or having a nightcap in a smoke-filled parlor while telling each other how amazing they are. We’ll be honest; that’s what we first thought. We didn’t think it was for us…
Read MoreWhy Your Next Windmill Ceiling Fan SHOULD NOT Be Made of Wood
A few years ago, a friend and his wife had a beautiful covered patio built in their backyard. It started as a small project, but like everything else, it got bigger as time went on. They added furniture, trinkets, and various other design elements, including two store-bought wood ceiling fans. His wife loved them because…
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