WHY Should Your Next Ceiling Fan Be Made of Aluminum?
Imagine sitting in two rooms side by side. One room has a 50-pound heavy-steel ceiling fan turning round and round, and the other has a windmill ceiling fan made of lightweight aluminum. Which metal apparatus would you rather have spinning above your head? Many people might say the steel fan. Sure, it’s a bear to…
Read MoreCheck out our Spring-Into-Summer Home Checklist!
Spring has always been that welcome in-between season where we get a break from frigid-cold Texas winters and can ease our way into the eventful summer months just around the bend. There are still a few evening chills, perfect for fireside hangouts on the farm, and there’s plenty of time to get your barndominium, ranch,…
Read MoreWhat Makes the 18-Blade Windmill Ceiling Fan Superior To Regular Ceiling Fans?
An 18-blade windmill ceiling fan. Think about that for a second. Eighteen blades! It’s a lot to take in — after all, most people are used to looking up at the traditional ceiling fan in their bedroom or living area and seeing anywhere from 3-6 blades spinning round and round. That’s the standard of comfort…
Read MoreSo, How Do You Order A Windmill Ceiling Fan?
Are you tired of generic, mass-produced ceiling fans that lack personality and character? Do you want a statement piece for your home that reflects your unique style and is crafted with care and attention to detail? Look no further than a custom Windmill Ceiling Fan made in North Texas and available in hundreds of finishes!…
Read MoreIs Your Patio Space Ready for Summer?
Temperature control is a crucial aspect to consider when designing and decorating outdoor spaces like patios, porches, and decks. In hot and humid climates, it can be difficult to enjoy outdoor living spaces without some cooling. While air conditioning units are popular, they can be expensive to install and operate. An alternative solution that has…
Read MorePlan for Warmer Days Ahead With Our March Home Checklist
If you live in Texas as we do, you know winters out here can get pretty dicey. I mean, our “arctic blasts” don’t hold an icicle to places like Minnesota, Boston, or even North Dakota, but we have our fair share of power failures, impassable roads, school closures, and being stuck in your house for…
Read MoreMeet Our Great Pyrenees Dogs: Livestock Protectors At Your Service
Anyone who has visited our Pilot Point ranch has likely met our security team. No, we’re not talking about a bunch of big, burly, angry men with enough muscles to take on a small army. We’re talking about our Great Pyrenees dogs, Sampson and Beau. They are our livestock protectors, and boy, do they ever…
Read MoreA Rugged Custom Fan Built to Last — Just Like Our Farm Life Heritage
It’s almost showtime, and another hard-nosed, rugged-as-the-West-Texas-trail cowboy mounts his horse and waits for the gate to open. It’s his final ride of the rodeo, and even though his elbows and shins are wrought with pain and his jeans tattered and torn from several rough spills, he’s as determined as ever to prove he’s the…
Read MoreWindmill Ceiling Fans from Outdoor Kitchens in Keller, Texas, to Barndominium Renovations in Iowa.
Matthew and Angie Eggers are the proud owners of one of the earliest Windmill Ceiling Fans ever handcrafted! They brought home a Galvanized Silver Windmill Ceiling Fan for their outdoor kitchen eight years ago. According to the Eggers, it’s been a blessing to maximize their outdoor living space in East Texas ever since! Back then,…
Read MoreWestern Cowhide Frameworks Are What Your Home Needs This Year!
For years, we’ve specialized in hand-assembling beautiful, bold windmill ceiling fans for homes and outdoor living spaces near and far. And because each order is customized to match a customer’s unique personality, style, and taste — right down to the lightweight aluminum finish — we don’t have to spend much time tooting our own horn. …
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