Which Way Should My Fan Spin During the Summer and Winter?

One of the more mind-blowing features of a ceiling fan is that it is designed to spin counter-clockwise or clockwise depending on the time of the year. And we say mind-blowing because many homeowners weren’t even aware their fans could be so multi-faceted until recently.  Heck, some may be reading this article now and thinking,…

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WHY Should Your Next Ceiling Fan Be Made of Aluminum?

Imagine sitting in two rooms side by side. One room has a 50-pound heavy-steel ceiling fan turning round and round, and the other has a windmill ceiling fan made of lightweight aluminum. Which metal apparatus would you rather have spinning above your head?   Many people might say the steel fan. Sure, it’s a bear to…

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Plan for Warmer Days Ahead With Our March Home Checklist

If you live in Texas as we do, you know winters out here can get pretty dicey. I mean, our “arctic blasts” don’t hold an icicle to places like Minnesota, Boston, or even North Dakota, but we have our fair share of power failures, impassable roads, school closures, and being stuck in your house for…

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Can a Ceiling Fan Make My Living Room Warmer?

Every winter, you watch your spouse flip the little black switch on the base of your ceiling fan to the opposite position, promptly forcing the fan blades to spin clockwise rather than counter-clockwise. He always says that rotating the fan blades in the opposite direction causes the room to feel warmer and more comfortable. And…

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What Is the Farmhouse Style?

When you live in the suburbs with neighbors close by and the hustle and bustle of the city not too far away, it can feel like you’re the furthest away from where you want to be: the farmhouse. Ah yes, the farmhouse style — fresh air … lots and lots of land… laid back ……

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A Few Ideas to Spruce Up Your Home for the Holidays

The holidays are almost here. Can you feel it? We sure can! And, of course, that means diving headfirst into everything that makes this time of the year fun: baking delicious deserts, Thanksgiving feasts on the farm, Christmas presents wrapped and ready under the tree, children’s laughter, and … you guessed it … decorating your…

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Our Custom Western Cowhide Frameworks are ALL the Rage

For years, we’ve specialized in hand-assembling beautiful, bold Windmill Ceiling Fans for homes, businesses, and more; We are excited to share that The Windmill Ceiling Fan Co is introducing our exclusive custom gallery, Western Cowhide Frameworks! You will be amazed by the innovation behind these custom artwork creations made in America with high-quality American-sourced materials.…

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You Can Do WHAT On A Custom Windmill Ceiling Fan?

If Y’all Can Dream It We Can Design This rustic yet modern Barn Metal Windmill Ceiling Fan design gives character and authenticity to any room. A unique piece of functional art, and the first time we’re unveiling a Windmill Ceiling Fan design that features a bullet hole distressed look throughout! This fan is hand-crafted in…

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